TravelbyBit Litecoin Traders Route!


Litecoin's mission statement is to be the digital currency for payments.  That means that the more it used, the more value it will have.  The jury is still out on whether Bitcoin's main current utility is that of payment.  Back in December, Bitcoin's average fees peaked at $55 but has drastically decreased to $1.  All the while Litecoin's average fees peaked just under a dollar and has since decreased to $0.16.  With four times the supply and four times the block time, Litecoin will most assuredly continue to have lower fees.  

However one of the greatest obstacles Litecoin has in order to fulfill it's mission is a lack of adoption.  Although more merchants are signing up day by day, it is still hard to find a city where you could survive a whole week with just only using Litecoin...that is until I came across TravelbyBit.  

TravelbyBit is a cryptocurrency merchant processing company whose current focus is to target Australia's travel industry.  By offering personalise merchant training along with tax and accounting support, they have been able to take their platform to mainstream and have launched the worlds first cryptocurrency airport in Brisbane Australia. 

One of the reasons they've been so successful by helping integrate over 100 businesses in every state all over Australia is its web-based merchant processing platform. Businesses require no special POS hardware which reduces the cost to entry. Merchants can even use mobile phones or any tablet to run their platform. There are also no merchant fees for small business and we provide an option for merchants to keep crypto or have it converted to Australian Dollars. 

But perhaps what's most exciting for me, someone who's been bitten by the travel bug, is that they currently offer unique travel packages under their "Travel Routes" where international tourists can #paywithlitecoin throughout their entire stay.  Here's a brief video introducing their Travel Routes:

Travel Route Packages

TravelbyBit currently offers three packages on their website:

Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 4.05.09 PM.png

What a suburban focused vacation?  Try Brisbane and Surrounds.  A more adventurous and wild feel?  Brisbane and Carnarvon Gorge is your plan.  How about some beach fun and sun?  Then definitely go with Brisbane to Gold Coast.

With summer just a few months away, it might be worthwhile looking to see if you can start planning your vacation early.  Remember to buy the dip today so that in the summer, you can #paywithlitecoin!